Formula: Ca2 (Mg.9 Co.1) As2 O10 H4
Name: Wendwilsonite
Unit cell: 5.806 12.923 5.628 90.0 107.49 90.0 , V=402.75
Space group: P121/C1 (14)

Kolitsch U , Fleck M , European Journal of Mineralogy , 18 (2006) p.471-482, Third update on compounds with krohnkite-type chains: the crystal structure of, wendwilsonite [Ca2Mg(AsO4)2*2H2O] and the new triclinic structure types of, synthetic AgSc(CrO4)2*2H2O and M2Cu(Cr2O7)2*2H2O (M = Rb, Cs), Locality: Schneeberg, Saxony, Germany