Formula: O11.96 (F.04 Si2.96) Al.8 Fe.72 Mg2.43 Ti.09 Na.03 K.95 H1.96
Name: Phlogopite
Unit cell: 5.351 9.267 10.311 90.0 99.99 90.0 , V=503.55
Space group: C12/M1 (12)

Brigatti M F , Medici L , Poppi L , Vaccaro C , The Canadian Mineralogist , 39 (2001) p.1333-1345, Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas - 1M from the Alto Paranaiba, Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil, Sample: Tax27-1, ferroan, Locality: Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province, Southeastern Brazil