Formula: Na Al Ge O4
Name: NaAlGeO4
Unit cell: 8.783 15.432 8.252 90.0 90.0 90.09 , V=1118.47
Space group: P1121/N (14)

Sandomirskii P A , Meshalkin S S , Rozhdestvenskaya I V , Dem yanets L N , Uvarova T G , Kristallografiya , 31 (1986) p.522-527, Crystal structures of the D-phase of K(AlGeO4) and the C-phase of Na(AlGeO4), Locality: synthetic, Note: y coordinate of Na2 changed from .03954 to .08954 to match reported bond lengths, Note: z coordinate of O8 changed from .05135 to .15135 to match reported bond lengths, Note: y coordinate of O11 changed from .04154 to .05154 to match reported bond lengths