Formula: P Al O4.95 F.05 H.95 Li
Name: Montebrasite
Unit cell: 6.7129 7.7095 7.0231 91.359 117.96 91.781 , V=320.58
Space group: C-1 (2)

Groat L A , Chakoumakos B C , Brouwer D H , Hoffman C M , Fyfe C A , Morell H , Schultz A J , American Mineralogist , 88 (2003) p.195-210, The amblygonite (LiAlPO4F) - montebrasite (LiAlPO4OH) solid solution:, A combined powder and single-crystal neutron diffraction and solid-state Li MAS, CP MAS,, and REDOR NMR study, Sample: from Dunton Gem Min, Oxford County, Maine at T = 75 K