Formula: Ca.96 (Si1.5 Al1.5) O6.39 C.13
Name: Meionite
Unit cell: 12.2119 12.2119 7.5811 90.0 90.0 90.0 , V=1130.57
Space group: I14/M1 (1)

Sherriff B L , Sokolova E V , Kabalov Y K , Jenkins D M , Kunath-Fandrei G , Goetz S , Jager C , Schneider J , The Canadian Mineralogist , 38 (2000) p.1201-1213, Meionite: Rietveld structure-refinement, Si MAS and Al SATRAS NMR, spectroscopy, and comments on the marialite-meionite series, Sample: S.MEI, Synthetic