Formula: Mg Fe4 S6 O46 H42
Name: Magnesiocopiapite
Unit cell: 7.5515 18.601 7.446 95.49 102.71 98.71 , V=999.45
Space group: P-1 (2)

Majzlan J , Kiefer B , The Canadian Mineralogist , 44 (2006) p.1227-1237, An X-ray and neutron-diffraction study of synthetic ferricopiapite,, Fe14/3(SO4)6(OD,OH)2(D2O,H2O)20, and ab-initio calculations on the structure of, magnesiocopiapite MgFe4(SO4)6(OH)2(H2O)20, Note: hypothetical structure from ab-initio calculations