Formula: Ca1.04 Mn.07 Na.01 Sb1.64 Ti.76 Fe.19 Al.06 O6.91 H.91
Name: Lewisite
Unit cell: 10.277 10.277 10.277 90.0 90.0 90.0 , V=1085.42
Space group: F-43M (216)

Rouse R C , Dunn P J , Peacor D R , Wang L , Journal of Solid State Chemistry , 141 (1998) p.562-569, Structural studies of the natural antimonian pyrochlores I. Mixed valency,, cation site splitting, and symmetry reduction in lewisite, Locality: cinnabar mine, Tripuhy, Ouro Preto, Minas Gerias, Brazil, Sample: F-43m refinement