Formula: Ba5.886 (Ce1.18 Nd.52 La.3) Na2 P6 O24 F2.41 Cl.59
Name: Kuannersuite-(Ce)
Unit cell: 9.9097 9.9097 7.4026 90.0 90.0 120.0 , V=629.56
Space group: P11-3 (1)

Friis H , Balic-Zunic T , Pekov I V , Petersen O V , The Canadian Mineralogist , 42 (2004) p.95-106, Kuannersuite-(Ce), Ba6Na2REE2(PO4)6FCl, a new member of the apatite group, from, the Ilimaussaq Alkaline Complex, South Greenland: Description and crystal chemistry, Locality: Ilimaussaq Alkaline Complex, South Greenland