Formula: (Y.947 Dy.028 Er.018 Gd.007) P O6 H4
Name: Churchite-(Y)
Unit cell: 5.578 15.006 6.275 90.0 117.83 90.0 , V=464.49
Space group: I12/A1 (15)

Kohlmann M , Sowa H , Reithmayer K , Schulz H , Kruger R R , Abriel W , Acta Crystallographica, Section C , 50 (1994) p.1651-1652, Structure of a Y(1-x)(Gd,Dy,Er)xPO4*2H2O microcrystal using synchrotron radiation, Note: anisoU s taken from ICSD, Note: isostructural with gypsum, Locality: synthetic