Formula: Co Ca2 Si2 O7
Name: Ca2CoSi2O7
Unit cell: 7.8815 7.8815 5.0387 90.0 90.0 90.0 , V=312.99
Space group: P-421M (113)

Kusaka K , Hagiya K , Ohmasa M , Okano Y , Mukai M , Iishi K , Haga N , Physics and Chemistry of Minerals , 28 (2001) p.150-166, Determination of structures of Ca2CoSi2O7, Ca2MgSi2O7, and Ca2(Mg.55Fe.45)Si2O7, in incommensurate and normal phases and observation of diffuse streaks at high temperature, Sample: T = 773 K, Melilite group