Formula: (Mg4.472 Fe.528) P4 Na2 O23 H15
Name: Bakhchisaraitsevite
Unit cell: 8.3086 12.906 17.486 90.0 102.01 90.0 , V=1834.00
Space group: P121/C1 (14)

Yakubovich O V , Massa W , Liferovich R P , Pakhomovsky Y A , The Canadian Mineralogist , 38 (2000) p.831-838, The crystal structure of bakhchisaraitsevite,, [Na2(H2O)2]{(Mg4.5Fe0.5)(PO4)4(H2O)5}, a new mineral species of, hydrothermal origin from the Kovdor phoscorite - carbonatite complex, Russia, Locality: Kovdor phoscorite - carbonatite complex, Russia