Formula: Na.55 Mn.597 In1.403 Fe.5 P2.5 O12
Name: Alluaudite
Unit cell: 12.222 12.845 6.507 90.0 115.11 90.0 , V=925.00
Space group: C12/C1 (15)

Hatert F , Hermann R P , Long G J , Fransolet A M , Grandjean F , American Mineralogist , 88 (2003) p.211-222, An X-ray Rietveld, infrared, and Mossbauer spectral study of the, NaMn(Fe1-xInx)2(PO4)3 alluaudite-type solid solution, Sample: x = 0.75, NaMnFe.5In1.5(PO4)3