Formula: Y.61 Ce.001 Nd.005 Sm.013 Gd.056 Dy.076 Er.041 Yb.025 Th.04 U.08 Fe.01 Ti1.8 Nb.17 Ta.01 W.06 O6
Name: Aeschynite-(Y)
Unit cell: 10.881 7.484 5.156 90.0 90.0 90.0 , V=419.87
Space group: PNMA (62)

Bonazzi P , Menchetti S , European Journal of Mineralogy , 11 (1999) p.1043-1049, Crystal chemistry of aeschynite-(Y) from the Western Alps:, residual electron density on difference-Fourier map, Sample: CE, - note: O1 z coordinate altered to match reported bond lengths, Locality: western Alps